Joseline M. Santos,
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 31-35,
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21st century,
teaching skills,
learning skills
Background/Objectives: The main objective of this study is to assess the 21st century learning skills of the students and the teaching practices in the 21st century classroom. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: 1) How may the 21st century learning skills of the students be described in terms of eight (8) components of the 21st century learning skills? 2) How may the teaching practices be described in terms of 21st century learning skills? 3) Is there a significant relationship between the perception of the students on their acquired 21st century learning skills and the teaching of 21st century learning skills in the classroom based on the perception of the teachers? 4) What is the implication of this study to the teachers, students and administrators of BulSU-CoEd? Methods/Statistical analysis: This study used a descriptive method of research. Data were gathered and analyzed. Student-t and Pearson r product moment were used to test the hypothesis between the difference in the perceptions of the two groups of respondents and the relationship between them. Mean was also used to describe the summary of the questionnaire. Findings: The topmost skills of the students are; using technology as a tool for learning, self-direction skills, and collaboration. The topmost teaching practices are; local connections, creativity and innovation skills, and using technology as a tool for learning. The results indicated that the students’ perception on the 21st Century skills that they acquired are not the same as what the teachers perceived to be what they transferred. Improvements/Applications: This research could serve as a basis for the seminars and workshops that may be provided to staff in-house or external.
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[APA Style]
Santos, J. (2017). 21st Century Learning Skills: A Challenge in Every Classroom. International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1), 31-35. DOI: 10.22662/IJEMR.2017.1.1.031.
[IEEE Style]
J. M. Santos, "21st Century Learning Skills: A Challenge in Every Classroom," International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 31-35, 2017. DOI: 10.22662/IJEMR.2017.1.1.031.
[ACM Style]
Joseline M. Santos. 2017. 21st Century Learning Skills: A Challenge in Every Classroom. International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research, 1, 1, (2017), 31-35. DOI: 10.22662/IJEMR.2017.1.1.031.