Journals Policies & Ethics
Peer-review Policy
All the manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research will be subjected to double blind peer review process;
- The manuscript will be reviewed by two suitable experts in respective subject area. The reports of both the reviewers will be considered while deciding on acceptance/revision or rejection of a manuscript.
- Editor-In-Chief (EIC) will make the final decision, based on reviewer’s comments.
- EIC can ask one or more advisory board members for their suggestions upon a manuscript, before making the final decision.
- Associate editor and review editors provide the administrative support to maintain the integrity of peer review process.
- In case, authors challenge editor's negative decision with suitable arguments, the manuscript can be sent to one more reviewer and the final decision will be made based upon his recommendations.
- Review Period: Average time taken for Review is 45 days.
Publication Time
Submission to Review: After clearing plagiarism check, the article will be Peer-Reviewed. Average time taken is 45 days.
Acceptance to Publishing: After acceptance and Article Processing Charge payment, the average time taken to complete the pre-publishing activities- Editing, Layout preparation, Proof Checking by author, Proof checking by Editorial Team, DOI insertion is 15 days.
International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement is based, in large part, on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research is an electronic Double Blind peer reviewed journal upholding the highest standards. Articles not in accordance with publication ethics and malpractices will be removed from publication if detected at any time. Plagiarism and research fabrication such as making up of data, manipulation of existing data, tables etc. and ethical clearance on the use of humans or animals for the study will also be checked. The journal reserves the right to use plagiarism detecting software to screen submitted papers at any time and suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing will be reported immediately.
Authors must ensure that
- Their work is original
- Must not have been published elsewhere
- Other authors, contributors or sources should be appropriately credited
- They are responsible for language editing before submission
- Their work has not been copied or plagiarized in whole or part from any other work
- The financial support and conflict of interest for the project / research work if any should be disclosed
- They are obliged to notify the editor if any error or inaccuracy is discovered and co-operate with the editor to correct the same
Articles should be submitted using online procedures. Simultaneous publication in more than one publication is a breach of publication ethics.
Editor must ensure that
- The submitted manuscript undergoes Double- blind peer review before publishing
- They will strive to prevent any conflict of interest between the author and editorial and review personnel
- All the information related to the submitted manuscript is kept confidential prior to publishing
Reviewers should ensure that
- Reviews the manuscript and provides suitable comments for improvement
- Promptness in notifying the editor about his inability to review the manuscript
- Maintains confidentiality about the manuscript obtained for review, by not discussing with others
- Standards of Objectivity preserved by reviewing the manuscripts objectively with clear views and supporting arguments and without any personal criticism
- Acknowledgement of Sources
- All References not cited by author should be removed. All citations should be accompanied with any previously reported observation, derivation or argument.
- The editors should be intimated for any overlap of the reviewed manuscript with any other published paper.
- Disclosures and Conflict of Interest– manuscripts having conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative or any other relationships or connections with institutions connected to the paper will not be considered.
Plagiarism Policy:
International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research would like to ensure that all published articles are well within the accepted level of plagiarism. The Journal uses the very well and widely accepted Plagiarism Detection tool, iThenticate. All submitted Manuscripts are first subjected to Plagiarism check and then the Publishing cycle begins.
In case, plagiarism is detected during review/editorial process, such manuscript(s) will be rejected immediately and we can also consider other steps depending upon the seriousness of the case. If the plagiarism is proven after publication, such manuscript(s) will be Retracted from our website and appropriate announcement will be placed in this regard.
Further, “International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research” can bring such instants to the notice of author's funding agencies, author's institutes (where they work) and to the original authors whose work has been plagiarized. Please report the plagiarism cases to
The threshold of plagiarism acceptance is <20%.
The author(s) publishing their articles in this Journal is/are solely responsible for the content thereof; neither International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research nor its editors or publisher or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distribution assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the article, nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of the International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research.
Copyright and Licensing policies
All the articles published in Journal of Surface Science and Technology are distributed under a creative commons license. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright of their work (all usages allowed except for commercial purpose). Copyright statement and license information will be permanently attached to published content, ensuring that this data will not change in the case of a journal changing policies for new submissions. Please contact us at for permissions related to commercial use of the article(s).
I/We, the undersigned author(s) of the manuscriptentitled
hereby declare that the above manuscript which is submitted for publication in the "International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research"
- Is NOT under consideration elsewhere.
- The manuscript is NOT published already in part or whole (except in the form of abstract) in any journal or magazine for private or public circulation.
- No part of this manuscript (referenced or otherwise) has been copied from any source.
- I/we give consent for publication in the "International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research" in any media (print, electronic or any other) and transfer copyright to the "International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research".
- I/we do not have any conflict of interest. I/we have read the final version of the manuscript and am/are responsible for what is said in it.
- The work described in the manuscript is my/our own and my/our individual contribution to this work is significant enough to qualify for authorship.
- The author(s) of each article appearing in this Journal is/are solely responsible for the content and "International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research" or the publisher is not responsible.
- I/We hereby acknowledge health line conflict of interest policy requirement to scrupulously avoid direct and indirect conflicts of interest and, accordingly, hereby agree to promptly inform the editor or editor's designee of any business, commercial, or other proprietary support, relationships, or interests that I/We may have which relate directly or indirectly to the subject of the work (For Medical Journals).
- No one who has contributed significantly to the work has been denied authorship and those who helped have been duly acknowledged. I/we also agree to the authorship of the article in the following sequence. (All authors are required to sign this form).
Author's Name &Signature
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